Build a vowel finder app with Javascript

Javascript project in four easy steps!


4 min read

Table of contents

Hello and welcome! 🀩🀩🀩

I got another project idea for you guysssss!!! πŸ’ƒπŸΎπŸ’ƒπŸΎπŸ’ƒπŸΎπŸ’ƒπŸΎ

I cannot overemphasize the need for these javascript projects we do here. These projects are easy to build, but they also cut across several fundamental aspects of javascript, so it feels like you are getting a load of practice for your javascript.

Let's get right to it!! 😁😁

Today, we'd be building a vowel finder app. Think of this as a word counter, only, it is a vowel counter! 🀣🀣

The main idea of this app is that when you input a word or sentence, it returns the number of vowels present in your input.

I should say that when you check the actual website I built for this, you are going to choke on laughter. I made such a terrible mess of the CSS. 🀣🀣 I was just interested in creating the functionality. Fancy UI/UX was definitely not in the plan. That out of the way, let us get into the steps. HTML and CSS can be found here.

Step 1

We are to create a function to call on our button. If you go through the HTML, you will see a button, which tells us the number of vowels we have when clicked.

      function vowelFinder() {
        var outputResult = document.querySelector("h3");
        var input = document.querySelector("#vowel-collector").value;
        console.log(input); }

We fleshed out our function to collect two values

*>> We need a place to display our vowel count result. We are capturing this in an h3 element in our HTML. We need a way to tap into and modify the text in our h3. this brought about the outputResult variable *

\>> We also need to capture our user's input, be it a word or sentence, or group of sentences. We do this with the input variable.

Step 2

We are adding some more variables to our function.

var vowelCount=0;

var spreadInput= [...input];

Our first variable vowelCount is what we are going to use to keep track of the number of vowels we get. It will auto-update once there is a new vowel detected.

*Then we have the spreadInput variable. This is a big one because it has us using the ES6 spread operator. Basically, what this basically does, is that it takes the input we get from our user, and "spreads it out" such that we are able to scan each letter individually to find out if it is a vowel or not. *

Step 3

Here comes the logic part of our app. We will be using a for loop, and the switch statement. I will write out the code, and explain under.

    for (let val of spreadInput) {
    switch(val) {
        case "a":
        case "e":
        case "i":
        case "o":
        case "u":

*The essence of having a for loop is that we will be required to loop through each letter of our output, through the spreadInput variable, which is already storing this. * Side note: if you notice in our for loop, we only have one condition in our parenthesis, unlike the usual two or three. This is because we do not need an endpoint in our loop. We want it to continue parsing until every val in our spreadInput variable has been checked.

We are using the switch statement in this case because we have a lot of conditions to be met. In each of our cases, we are checking to see if the presence of the stated vowel is true. If it is true, we need our computer to update our vowelCount.

Step 4

Yaaaayyy!!! Our final step! We are done with all the heavy lifting! This step is basically for us to output the result of our vowelCount when we are done parsing through our input.

outputResult.innerHTML = "The total number of vowels is " + vowelCount;

Our total function will look like this

  function vowelFinder() {
    var outputResult = document.querySelector("h3");
    var input = document.querySelector("#vowel-collector").value;
    var vowelCount=0;
    var spreadInput= [...input];
    for (let val of spreadInput) {
      switch(val) {
        case "a":
        case "e":
        case "i":
        case "o":
        case "u":
    outputResult.innerHTML = "The total number of vowels is " + vowelCount

Our function is being called in our HTML, with the onclick attribute in our button tag.

That's all for today, folks! Thank you for stopping by. Follow me on socials twitter Linkedin